Recruitment Policy

Recruitment Policy:

  1. No fees for recruitment to seafarers.
  2. Seafarer’s personal date/documents and other details are kept safely & confidentially.
  3. No biased discriminatory policy based on race, colour, sex, religion, national extraction, or social origin while recruiting.
  4. We confirm that the repatriation of stranded seafarers, their maintenance and the transportation of mortal remains of the expired seafarers to their homes will be incorporated in the contract of employment of our principals.
  5. The contracts of employment shall be governed under the maritime labour law of the principal’s nationality.
  6. For any grievance the seafarer can approach the master of the vessel/ ship’s owners, if the same is not attended, they can approach us on our contact details provided in the contract of employment as manning agents, failing which they can approach the Director-General of Shipping, Mumbai.
  7. In case of any grievance redressal mechanism, it should be obligatory for the company to examine and respond to any complaint concerning their activities and advise the Director-General of Shipping.
  8. In case of death or disability of any seafarers on board, our agency will be liable to inform the concerned government authorities and the seafarer’s next of kin within forty-eight hours of such death and disability.
  9. Documents of all the seafarers recruited through our agency will be maintained for the period of five years.
  10. The original documents of the seafarers as and when required by us shall be safely stored and receipt of the same shall be provided to the seafarers.
  11. On filing an application for placement through our agency, the seafarer will be given acknowledgment to state that he is aware of full style address and license number & expiry date of the license.
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